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Windows 10 Professional - is the latest and more advanced version of Microsoft's operating system. When it was created, the developer took into account all shortcomings and errors of previous versions. Windows 10 Pro is a combination of the b..
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For home and office use for you. This operating system is well suited for personal computers. It was created by specialists from Microsoft Corporation. The work was carried out as part of a series of Windows NT. It is planned that this version will b..
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Microsoft Windows 10 Home Buy Not so long ago the operating system Vindovs 10 became available to users. As before, it received several editions. For home use, there is a Home Assembly. Initially, the developer planned that the new OS will be a co..
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For individual use only...
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Buy Windows 11 Home Comfortable work at home can be provided by Microsoft Windows 11 Home 64 bit, you can buy a license key in our store. Before you buy it you need to choose the right version of Windows and get to know the features of the product..
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The best features of microsoft Windows 8.1 buy only better, plus easy connection to local networks, ability to access one computer to another and encryption of your data. Your familiar desktop with Windows 7. On the start screen, you only need ..
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Microsoft makes several editions of its software products. Editions differ from each other in terms of functionality and the number of tools for solving certain problems. Microsoft has followed this principle with its new operating system, Windows 7...
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Buy Windows 10 for Enterprise For individuals only!..
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Windows 7 Professional - combines all the necessary functions for home and business. You can run a lot of working programs for Windows XP in Windows 7 or by using Windows XP emulation mode, as well as restore. Description of the Windows 7 Professi..
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Windows 8 can connect to the cloud. Your Microsoft account is somewhat similar to the portable personal computer that is displayed on each of your Windows 8 devices. On this device, sign in with your Microsoft account to instantly access your file..
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In the age of computer technology, almost every person has a computer with which you can perform many complex computational tasks. When you turn on the PC automatically activates the operating system (OS), which is a set of that are interconnected and designed to manage all systems of the computer. The OS also provides a set of APIs applications and is a connecting component between a human and a complex technique. For the smooth operation of the PC should license price from Microsoft, as only products with a license is high quality and will not harm the computing device.

As noted above, it starts to work after the PC is turned on and performs a number of functions:

  • intermediary, that is, acts as a conductor between and a person;
  • managers-controls the pc and all its systems;
  • runs the installed soft;
  • provides a simple and clear method of PC control, which there is an interface.


The need such a tool is due to the peculiarity of the computer and the operations that it is able to perform. To manage the resources, capabilities and tools of the PC are used simple operations, so all the manipulations that the user performs and the software - a few thousand basic tasks.

Modern should, as this is the latest redaction of the OS from Microsoft, which has several options installation on PCs, laptops, tablets, Xbox one consoles and smartphones. This OS appeared in 2015 and immediately received commendable reviews from critics. It allows you to synchronize settings, as it has a single platform.

How did MS Win?

The history of Win OS has several decades and begins with the release of the first redaction of "OS" - Windows 1.01, which was released in 1985. But it was not a success and went unnoticed. The same fate befell the second. Despite the fact that the first for public use became available in 1985, the history of the largest Corporation "Microsoft" began 10 years earlier - then bill gates, while still a student, developed a version of BASIC, which was used on the first PC Altair 8800.

The third version of Windows 3.0 came out after 7 years and brought the company the desired success, as it was used on many personal devices. The polarity of the OS is due to several reasons, including the price available on and a convenient graphical interface that allows you to operate with the data not with the help of special commands, but through visual and intuitive manipulation of objects that designate such data. Plus, it is possible to work not with one, but with several complex software products.

1995 was marked by the release of one of the most popular versions of the OS - Windows 95, which was followed by a new era in the world of pc. The new OS, unlike its predecessor, received a modified interface and accelerated operation of programs. Windows 95 provided users with the ability to configure additional devices automatically and resolve conflicts between them. Plus, the new "OSes" has become a prerequisite for the emergence of the world wide web. However, Windows 95 cannot be called a fully 32-bit. In total, between 1985 and 2015, the company released 17 versions of the OS for desktop computing devices. The latest of the "operating system" is win 10, which offers users great opportunities.

Operating System Features

At the moment, the software product from Microsoft is the most popular and in demand, as there are more than 150 million PCs running on Microsoft OS in the world. On the Internet you and install it on your pc.

The distinctive features of the software product from include:

  • user-friendly and understandable interface all OS versions, applications of which are almost identical;
  • excellent backward compatibility, as the vast number of previously created programs work well in tandem with the new.
  • rivers are available almost any external hardware and device;
  • large selection of SOFTWARE, whereby the user chooses the most convenient program;
  • built-in administration tools;
  • automatic deployment in industrial plants;
  • the ability to develop different applications, which is achieved due to the availability of documentation in different languages;
  • centralized update system, which is carried out automatically.

In order to enjoy all the advantages and features of the OS from Microsoft, you should, which be obtained by e-mail.

What is new?

The standard feature set includes several applications:

  • Internet browser to access the network;
  • mail client;
  • the program listening to music.

Through COM and OLE, components of these applications be embedded in other applications, including third-party products. The standard package of options and features is free to use, while others can be easily downloaded from the official Microsoft website without paying a fee. You these programs on a PC running on another OS using special emulators.

Modern programs have new features, options and capabilities. So, in order to appreciate the beauty of the latest version of the OS, you need to and install on your computer. The advantages of Windows 10 include versatility, improved search engine, the availability of universal search, as well as the ability to use virtual desktops and attach additional, which be several. You can access your documents through the file Manager, which has many settings and provides personalization of data. Here you use the style of design that is most like and suitable.

In all versions, you can configure the date and time, desktop, mouse, keyboard, and options that are on the (start) menu. The settings are saved the registered user and are called configurations. The configuration tools are the individual folder components and applications available in the control Panel's.