CheckoutMicrosoft Windows ISO
Download Microsoft Windows x32 or x64 Bit
Each computer user, regardless of their level of skills and knowledge, at least once, but wondered where to download the official Windows. For starters, let's say that Windows is called the operating system, it is the space for programs and applications. It replaced MS-DOS, which was widespread in the 90s of last century.

The OS gained its real popularity in 1993, when computers tried Windows 3.11. After the appearance of Windows 95, and in 2020, the current version of Windows 10 «ten» The operating system has come a long and thorny way before it became easy to use, safe and reliable.
The last version traditionally received several different assemblies, focused on different categories of users.
What Windows to download and what is the bit?
Before you download Microsoft Windows for free, you need to know about the discharge of the operating system. The bit x86 has a symbolic meaning, if you see x86 then know that it is nothing else than x32. If you have not installed the x64 system downloaded from the official website, you must have a 32-bit operating system on your computer. he main difference between x32 and x64 is the ability of the 64-bit operating system to work with memory up to 32 GB and run both 32-bit and 64-bit at the same time. programs.

Formally, these two versions look and work alike, the difference is only technical and invisible to the user's eye.
Download Microsoft Windows x64 bits makes sense if you are a PC user with a multi-core processor. Having installed such an OS, you can feel the power increase and performance when using the system and 64-bit applications. If you don't need it, you should get the original distribution of standard 32-bit versions.
But there are also certain nuances, namely the presence of different assemblies. Choose the assembly that can fully satisfy the existing ones needs.
Windows Buildings
The original ISO image is available free of charge, but a key must be purchased to use the operating system permanently. Buy Key from Windows 10 we can do it here. The current builds are now considered to be Windows 10 Pro and Home
One distribution contains an installer for these two versions. The main advantage of the assemblies is the orientation for office and home computers. They work perfectly even on low-power personal computers.

There is also an assembly Enterprise - the corporate version, different from the Professional enhanced security, and the presence of special utilities to protect the hard drive, main memory. Today, for normal work at the computer or spending time in computer games is quite enough assembly Windows 10 Pro or Home
If you want to download Windows for free and still feel nostalgic about older versions, pay attention to Microsoft Windows 8.1. Home/Professional These builds support Russian and were popular at one time. However, many experienced users like the simpler Windows 8.0 Home and Pro This system created a real sensation in its time, as it appeared with a radically rethought interface.
Everybody's favorite Windows 7 with multiple buildsUltimate, Professional, Home Premium, Home Basic, Starter For Home home use the best choice is Home Premium, Home Basic or Professional. Today the «seven» is no longer supported by Microsoft. But because of the simple, friendly interface and high security. this version is still in demand among PC users.