Checkout0xc004c060 activation error in Windows and Office how to solve the problem?
0xc004c060 error when activating Windows, Office - the solution to this problem
If you have an error 0xc004c060 when activating Windows or Office, then this error may appear due to the fact that:
- The activation key from the software is not valid
- This key is blocked by the Microsoft
- serverThe code is outdated
Screenshot of the error 0xc004c060 when activating Microsoft Office 2019:
Error 0xc004c060 when activating Microsoft Windows 10:
If you encounter this problem, we recommend that you run «Activation Troubleshooting Tool» Windows or Office (depending on what you activate).
You can also contact YOUR seller of this key to get it for replacement! If you bought this key from us, then write about this error in the email that was sent with a non-working key!
If you are sure that you have this key 100%, then contact support from the company «Microsoft». And ask him to «Remotely activate the key» on your device!
Learn more about technical support Microsoft:
If you do not have an activation key, then you can buy:
Windows https://altonkey.com/en/microsoft-windows/windows-10
Microsoft Office
in our store!
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